LEPMI - Rubrique Actualités

Séminaire Bryan Pivovar

Bryan Pivovar donnera un séminaire intitulé "overview of US activities supporting H2@Scale" le 19 septembre à 16 heures en salle 158 du bâtiment recherches de Phelma Campus, 1130 rue de la Piscine, Saint Martin d 'Hères


Today represents a truly remarkable time for H2.  The importance of H2 in the future energy system is changing due to a number of societal megatrends: 1) Renewable energy (and natural gas) is getting cheaper, and penetration levels are increasing at an exponential pace; 2) the costs of GHG emissions (climate change) and criteria pollutants (health concerns) are being acknowledged and are reaching a point where society is demanding change (renewable portfolio and zero emission vehicle standards); and 3) commercial viability of fuel cell vehicle technology has been demonstrated (commercial vehicles being sold). This presentation will present a brief overview of US activities supporting H2@Scale, a US DOE initiative to improve the economics of making, moving, storing and using hydrogen through targeted R&D efforts.

At NREL, we have a large RD&D effort that spans from materials development (novel catalysts and polymers) to system demonstration.  A broad overview of the R&D efforts at NREL will be presented as well as a detailed discussion on advances in the area of advanced catalysis. Specifically, the presentation will focus on efforts to develop precious metal alloy nanowires for electrolysis and fuel cell applications, and advances in alkaline membrane devices with a focus on electrode optimization.  An emphasis in the presentation will focus on the advanced electrode fabrication and diagnostics NREL has developed/employs in targeting improved device performance.