MME ROCHE Virginie

Professeur des Universités Université Grenoble Alpes Polytech'Grenoble G-INP
1130 rue de la Piscine 38402 St Martin d'Hères cedex
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Cinétique électrochimique, corrosion humide et corrosion haute température, électrochimie, chimie générale

Responsabilités pédagogiques :
depuis sept 2014 : Responsable de la 2ème année du département Matériaux à Polytech Grenoble (Mat4) - Grenoble INP UGA
2012-2014 : Responsable de la 1ère année du département Matériaux à Polytech Grenoble (Mat3) - Grenoble INP UGA
2013-2014 : référent STI2D - projet AVOSTTI (Accompagnement des vocations scientifiques et techniques vers le titre d’ingénieur)

English version :
Courses :
Aqueous corrosion, Electrochemical kinetic, High temperature corrosion, electrochemistry, chemistry basics
Duties :
2014 - 2023 : Head of the 2nd year of Materials Department at the Engineering School  Polytech Grenoble UGA
2012 - 2014 : Head of the 1st year of Materials Department at the Engineering School  Polytech Grenoble UGA


55 articles in international journals,              > 30 communications
Supervision : 9 defended PhD and 1 PhD ongoing

Scientific Duties :

- Member of IRP - International Research Project – 2020 - 2024 “Electrochemistry – Hydrogene – Coatings” between LEPMI (Corrosion V. Roche et JC Lepretre et UFSCAR, Brazil)

- Coordinator of CAPES-COFECUB Ph-C 885-17, intitulé "SUMOTINET - SUrface MOdified TItanium NETwork" (2016-2020).

- Coordinator for LEPMI since 2017 for DGA – CNRS project « Development electrochemical models of materials and numerical simulation tools to predict electrical signatures of surface buldings for marine applications »


Activités / CV

Academic Appointment
2020- 2025 Holder of Research and doctoral advising grant (PEDR) at Université Grenoble Alpes
7 nov 2019 Award accreditation to supervise research (HDR) Grenoble - INP
2016-2020    Holder of Research and doctoral advising grant (PEDR) at Université Grenoble Alpes
2005-2008    PhD Grenoble - INP, working out at IRCELYON (Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon) in collaboration with IFPEN (Institut Français du Pétrole et des Energies Nouvelles, Solaize) and LEPMI (Laboratoire d’Electrochimie et de Physicochimie des Matériaux et des Interfaces). Defended on September the 26th 2008. Holder of Diploma of the Collège doctoral de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure du Pétrole et des Moteurs (ENSPM).
2002-2005    Engineer Diploma in electrochemistry - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electrochimie et d’Electrométallurgie de Grenoble (ENSEEG) Grenoble (INPG), Holder of Engineering diploma of Grenoble - INP obtained with honors. Holder of Master’s degree in Electrochemical Engineering Processes obtained with honors

Scientific Experience
Since 09/2023 Professor at Université Grenoble Alpes (School Polytech’Grenoble and LEPMI laboratory)
55 articles in international journals,              > 30 communications
upervision : 9 defended PhD and 1 PhD ongoing

10/2011 -09/2023 Assistant Professor at Université Grenoble Alpes (School Polytech’Grenoble and LEPMI laboratory)

Major Publications in International journals
P. Cordoba-Torres, T.J. Mesquita, O. Devos, B. Tribollet, V. Roche, R.P. Nogueira, Electrochimica Acta 72 (2012) 172
F. Hilario, V. Roche, R.P. Nogueira, A.M. Jorge Junior, Electrochimica Acta, Volume 245, 10 August 2017, Pages 337-349
G. Ferreira de Lima Andreani; MR Martins Triques, DR. Leiva, V. Roche, KR Cardoso, TT Ishikawa, WJ Botta, A. Moreira Jorge,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy  44 ; 36 (2019) 20203
V. Roche, Y. Champion, I.A. Bataev, A. Moreira Jorge Junior,
Corrosion Science 207 (2022) 110607
K. Cardoso, V. Roche, A. Jorge Jr, F. Antiqueira, G. Zepon, Y. Champion,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 858 (2021) 158357

Dilermando Nagle Travessa, Geovana Vilas Boas Guedes, Aline Capella de Oliveira, Argemiro Soares da Silva Sobrinho, Virginie Roche, Alberto Moreira Jorge Jr
Corrosion Science 209 (2022) 110740
Geovana Vilas Boas da Rocha, Joao Henrique Lopes, Virginie Roche, Alberto Moreira Jorge Jr, Rudimar Riva, Aline Capella de Oliveira, Dilermando Nagle Travessa
Applied Surface Science 603 (2022) 154460
Virginie Roche, Yannick Champion, Ivan A. Bataev, Alberto Moreira Jorge Junior, Corrosion Science 207 (2022) 110607
Virgilio P. Ricci, Conrado R.M. Afonso, Rafael F.M. dos Santos, Alberto M. Jorge Junior, Virginie Roche, Ceramics International 48 (2022) 27575–27589
M. Diaz-Ramos, V. Roche, R. Song, Hongtao Fan, C. Bureau, JC Lepretre Corrosion Science 213 (2023) 110932