Soutenances de thèse

HDR defense, Jonathan Deseure (UGA)

Jonathan DESEURE will support its HDR entitled : " Modeling of electrochemical devices : multiphysics approach to fuel cells and electrolysers " Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Jonathan DESEURE will support its HDR entitled :

" Modeling of electrochemical devices : multiphysics approach to fuel cells and electrolysers "

Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at 10.15 am

Amphithéâtre Jean Besson – Phelma Campus

Members of jury

 Pr. Laurent Davoust, SIMAP, Grenoble
 Pr. Theo Tzedakis, LGC, Toulouse
 Pr. Sergei Martemianov, PRISME, Poitiers
 Dr. Armelle Ringuedé, IRCP, Paris
 Dr. Elisabeth Siebert, LEPMI, Grenoble