M. RANNOU Patrice

CNRS Director of Research (DR-CNRS), Section 11: "Soft Matter: Synthesis, Development, Assemblies, Structure, Properties, Functions", CNRS Chemistry (CNRS' National Institute of Chemistry)
UMR5279-LEPMI (CNRS/Grenoble-INP/UGA/USMB), Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Physicochemistry of Materials & Interfaces, MIEL Team (Materials, Interfaces, and ELectrochemistry), Room RB4, 1130, Rue de la Piscine, BP 75, F-38402 SAINT-MARTIN-d'HERES Cedex (FRANCE). Email 1: patrice.rannou@cnrs.fr. Email 2: patrice.rannou@grenoble-inp.fr. Email 3: patrice.rannou@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Contact e-mail

Research Overview

In a nutshell: Multi-scale/physics structure/property (electronic/ionic/protonic transfers) correlations within self-assembled & hierarchized synthetic & bio-sourced/mimetic/inspired functional (liquid crystalline) materials addressing UN SDG N°7

Through the rational design, circular chemistry, controlled synthesis & advanced processing of functional (synthetic & bio-based/sourced/inspired (e.g. DNA, Peptide, Protein)) soft materials (block molecules, homo/block co-polymers, dendrons/dendrimers) aiming at encoding complex & efficient functions through hierarchical self-assembly processes across many length scales (nano⇒meso⇒micro⇒macro-scales), the main aim of my research activities over the past 2.5 decades has been dedicated to eradicating all sources of (chemical, structural & energetic) disorder to boost the efficiencies of electronic, ionic & protonic transfers at work within active layers of (opto)electronic actives devices (IT/Organic (Bio)Electronics: FETs & solar cells/OECTs), of proton exchange membranes of Fuel Cells (Energy Conversion), of thermoelectric generators & coolers (Energy Harvesting), and of (liquid crystalline/polymer/”hybrid” inorganic/organic) solid-state electrolytes of batteries & supercaps (Energy Storage). These (bio)material science approaches are combined with the technical developments of multimodal (at the LEPMI lab & ESRF large scale facility) platforms for performing in depth (ex/in situ & operando) studies with the goal of accessing the intrinsic (defect-free) & ultimate electronic, ionic & protonic transfer performances of functional soft materials towards next generation applications within the fields of IT (Nano(Bio)electronics) & Energy conversion, harvesting (Hydrovolatic energy), and storage (Nano-ionics/fluidics).

Research Areas

  • Functional Multi-Block (Bio/Supra/Macro)Molecules for a Circular (Electro)Chemistry
  • Self-Organized (Bio-inspired/sourced) Ionically Conducting/π-Conjugated (Semi)Conducting Materials
  • Energy Conversion, Harvesting & Storage
  • Organic/(Supra)Molecular (Opto)Electronics & Iontronics

Research Interests & Keywords

  • Organic & (Supra/Macro)Molecular Chemistry: (Supra/Macro)Molecular Engineering Approaches & Synthetic Routes towards Oligo/Poly-mers, Alternated Copolymers, Block Molecules/Copolymers & Dendritic Functional Architectures
  • 1D vs. 2D vs. 3D Self-Assembly of Functional Materials:
    Controlled Phase Separation (Self-organization & Hierarchization) in (Multiblock) Functional Architectures based on Covalent & Non-Covalent (Ionic, H-Bonding, Van der walls …) Interactions
  • π-Conjugated Materials: Organic SemiConductors (thiophene-based OSCs) & Organic Conductors (aniline-based OCs)
  • Organic Single Crystals & Functional Liquid Crystals (LCs): Molecular OSCs, Calamitic/Sanidic & Polycatenar LC OSCs
  • Bioinspired, Biobased & Biosourced OSCs: DNA-OSC Hybrids, Self-Assembled Oligo(Peptide)s (Quantum Dots (QDs) & Nanotubes (NTs)), and Proteins (Amyloid Fibers))
  • Ion & Single-Ion Conducting Materials: Homo/Block Co-polymers, Mono-End-Capped Polymers, Dynamic Polymer Networks & Thermotropic Ionic Liquid Crystals (TILCs)
  • Ionic/Protonic/Electronic Transport & Optoelectronic Properties: dc-Conductivity, Charge Carrier Mobility (SCLC/OFET), Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), Electronic/Energy/Ionic Transfers
  • Optoelectronic & Iontronic Devices: Organic Field-Effect Transistors (OFETs), Organic Solar Cells, Organic ElectroChemical Transistors (OECTs), (Micro)Batteries, Supercapacitors, PEMFCs/AEMFCs

Personal Selection of 34 Publications (P1-34) over the 2002-2025 Period (full list on request ) of over 138 papers (81 regular articles & 57 proceeding papers), 2 book chapters (Electronic & Optical Properties of Conjugated Molecular Systems in Condensed Phase, 2003 & Handbook of Liquid Crystals, 2014), and 17 patents: 

Selection of Granted (Inter)National Collaborative Research Projects Since 2015: Co-PI & PI Roles 

  • ANR-BioVolt "Protein nanofibrils for energy harvesting from ambient humidity". ANR-24-CE50-2239
  • Horizon Europe Project SOLiD "Sustainable manufacturing & Optimized materials & interfaces for Lithium metal batteries with Digital quality control"
  • H2020-MSCA Project HOPES/(FET-Flagship) Battery2030+:"self-assembled/healable Hybrid inorganic/Organic Polymer Electrolytes for sustainable electrochemical energy Storage"
  • ANR-MASTERMIND: "MultiscAle STructure/propERty relationship in MIxed (ionic/electronic) (macro)molecular coNDuctors: Towards new generation organicbioelectronic devices" ANR-20-CE06-0022
  • (FET-Flagship) Battery2030+/H2020 Project HIDDEN: "HIndering DENdrite growth in lithium metal batteries"
  • FACCTS 2020-ILLINOIS: "Thermotropic Ionic Liquid crystaL: Encoding dImensionality-controlled & NanocOnfined Ionic tranSport"
  • PHC STAR2019-PIONEER: "Korea-France collaborative research cluster for Post-Lithium ION solid-state Electrochemical EneRgy storage systems" ID # 43568NC
  • ANR-BioNics: "Self-Assembling Proteins for Bio-Inspired Nano-Electronics". ANR-17-CE09-0013
  • ANR-GATE: "Generic approach to new organic semiconductors for electronic applications". ANR-16-CE07-0024
  • Fondation Nanosciences/Labex LANEF-DiSABloC: "Directed Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers: Towards Smart Functional Surfaces for Nanoelectronics, Energy, and Biology". ANR-10-LABX-51-01
  • ANR/NSF-PIRE/REACT: "Research and Education in Active Coatings Technologies for the Human Habitat" NSF PIRE-OISE 1545884. ANR-15-PIRE-0001
(Gratefully Acknowledged) National Funding & Support (NFS) and International Funding & Support (IFS):
(Greatly Appreciated & Enjoyed) Past/Present Local, National & International Collaborations with the groups of:

Activités / CV

Google Scholar

Short Biosketch

Dr. Patrice Rannou (ORCID: 0000-0001-9376-7136) graduated from the Textile & Chemical Institute of Lyon (1993/M.Sc. in Polymer Chemistry), the University Montpellier II (1994/M.Sc. in Polymer Physics), and E.N.S. de Chimie de Montpellier (1994/M.Sc. in Polymer Science). He holds a PhD in Physics from the University J. Fourier (1998) and a research habilitation (HDR) in Chemistry (2013) from the University of Grenoble. After 16 months spent as a visiting researcher at the R&D New Materials Center of Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd (HCC) in Hitachi-city, Japan, he was hired in Oct. 1999 as a CNRS researcher in UMR5819-SyMMES (Molecular Systems & nanoMaterialS for Energy & health) lab where he served till Sept. 30, 2021. Since Oct. 2021, he is a CNRS member of the MIEL Team (Materials, Interfaces and ELectrochemistry) of UMR5279-LEPMI (Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Physicochemistry of Materials & Interfaces) lab. He holds a CNRS Director of Research position within the Section 11 (Soft matter: synthesis, development, assemblies, structure, properties, functions) of CNRS Chemistry (CNRS’s National Institute of Chemistry) since Oct. 2015. Till date (i.e. March. 2025), he has (co)advised 17 postdoctoral fellows, (co)supervised 13 PhD students (UGA), cosupervised 10 Foreign PhD students (Penn (USA), POSTECH & SKKU (South Korea)) >35 (under)graduate students. He is the (co)authors of 138 papers (81 regular articles+57 proceeding papers), 2 book chapters, and 17 (FR/EP/JP/US/CN/KR/WO) patents.

Mini-CV (3 page-long):
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Professional Preparation

  • 2013: Habilitation (HDR: "Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches") in Chemistry (University of Grenoble I-UG)
  • 1998: Ph.D. in Physics (University Joseph FOURIER/Grenoble I-UJF)
  • 1994: M.Sc. in Polymer Physics (University of Montpellier II-UMII)
  • 1994: M.Sc. in Polymer Science (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier-ENSCM)
  • 1993: M.Sc. in Polymer Chemistry and Blends (Textile & Chemical Institute-ITECH)

-Since 09/22: 
Deputy-Head/Steering Committee member of the LEPMI/Blue Solutions Lithium & Interface (Li2) Lab. on Energy Storage
-Since 10/21: Dir. de Recherche 2ème Classe CNRS
CNRS/Institute of Chemistry (INC) Section 11: "Soft Matter: Synthesis, Development, Assemblies, Structure, Properties, Functions"
-04/15 till 09/21: Dir. de Recherche 2ème Classe CNRS
CNRS/Institute of Chemistry (INC) Section 11: "Supra/Macro-Molecular Systems & Materials: Elaboration, Properties, & Functions"
UMR5819-SyMMES (CNRS/CEA/Grenoble-INP/Univ. Grenoble Alpes)
-09/17 till 01/18: Director of the Observatory for Micro and NanoTechnologies (UMS2920-OMNT [CEA/CNRS])
-09/13 till 09/17: Deputy-Head of the Observatory for Micro and NanoTechnologies (UMS2920-OMNT [CEA/CNRS])
-10/02 till 04/15: Chargé de Recherche 1ère Classe CNRS
CNRS/Institute of Chemistry (INC) Section 11: "Supra/Macro-Molecular Systems & Materials: Elaboration, Properties, & Functions"
UMR5819-SyMMES (CNRS/CEA//Univ. Grenoble Alpes)
-10/99 till 10/02: Chargé de Recherche 2ème Classe CNRS
CNRS/Institute of Chemistry (INC) Section 11: "Supra/Macro-Molecular Systems & Materials: Elaboration, Properties, & Functions"
UMR5819-SPrAM (CNRS/CEA/Univ. Grenoble Alpes)
-06/98-09/99: Visiting Researcher, New Materials Laboratory R&D Center, Hitachi Chemical. Co. Ltd, Hitachi, Japan
Synergistic Activities
-2018-To Date: Co-organizer of the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th edition of the GrEnoble eNerGy ConversIoN & storage Winter School (ENGINE2019/2021/2023/2025) ENGINE2025 https://engine2025.sciencesconf.org: Member of ENGINE's Organizing Committee
-2015: Co-organizer of the 17th Edition of the French Workshop of Self-Organized Anisotropic Systems (CFCL2015) CFCL2015: http://www.cfcl2015.fr/ Member of the CFCL2015's Organizing Committee
-2014: Co-organizer of the 2nd Organic Electronics Summer School (OESS2014) OESS2014: http://www.ooe.sfoptique.org Member of the OESS's Steering Committee and Program Co-Chair (with Prof. Raphaël CLERC)
-2013-To Date: Member of the ICOE's Program Committee ICOE2025: https://www.icoe2025.co.it.pt.com/
-2013-To Date: Co-organizer of the French-American Workshop (FAW) FAW2019: http://www.giant-grenoble.org/en/faw2019/ Member of the Organizing Committee of FAW. -2013: Co-organizer of the 9th International Conference on Organic Electronics (ICOE) ICOE2013: http://www.icoe2013.org Member of the ICOE2013's Organizing Committee and Program Co-Chair (with Prof. Raphaël CLERC)
-2012-To Date: Member of the Steering Committee of the MINATEC Summer Program (MSP) and Giant International Internship Programe (GIIP) GIIP: http://www.internships.giant-grenoble.org/
-2012 till 2014: Responsible of communication (CNRS-INP/INC sides) of the UMR5819-SPrAM (CNRS/CEA/UJF) Lab
-2012: Co-organizer of the 41st National Congress of the French Association of Polymers (GFP) GFP2012: http://gfp2012.cermav.cnrs.fr Member of the GFP2012’s Organizing Committee
-2006-To Date: Co-organizer of the International Conference on Molecular Electronics (ElecMol) ElecMol21: www.elecmol20.sciencesconf.org Member of the ElecMol’s Organizing Committee.
-2004 till 2017: Co-leader (With Dr. Jean-Louis FAVE) of a team of ca. 25 French leading experts of the emerging field of organic (opto)electronics and Senior Expert within the Organic Electronics division of the French Observatory of Micro & NanoTechnologies OMNT-UMS2920 (CNRS/CEA): http://www.omnt.fr/index.php/en/
-2001-03/2013: Elected member of the Scientific Council of the UMR5819-SPrAM (CNRS/CEA/UJF) Laboratory of Structures and Property of Molecular Architectures