The main focus of my research work is the developpement of ceramic/metallic materials for application in direct hydrocarbons electrochemical systems like SOFC and PCFC. We developped bulk or coated materials (YSZ, La2Mo2O9, Ba(Ce/Zr/Y)O3-d, CeO2, Ir-CGO, metals phosphates and arseniates) and original cell architectures, especially at the anode side, during several international programs (France, UK, Argentina, Brazil, Tunisia, Roumania), aiming at improving the understanding of the electrical properties of solid electrolytes, and at using with total flexibility various renewable and clean energy vectors like hydrogen natural gas, bioethanol or waste fuels in SOFC without any addition by gradual internal steam reforming.
The main recent remarkable achievement is the demonstration of fuel flexibility and durability for several thousands of hours in SOFC systems.
- Laboratoire des Oxydes et Fluorures, Université du Maine, Le MANS (P. Lacorre)
- Centre atomique de Bariloche (CAB-CNEA), San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentine (A. Caneiro)
- Centre SPIN, Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne (J. P. Viricelle)
- Institut de Recherche sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon (IRCELyon), Lyon (P. Gelin)
- Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM), Belfort (J. P. Viricelle)
- GDF SUEZ (S. Hody)
- Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares, IPEN, Sao Paulo, Brésil (F. Fonseca)
- SEG-CMUC, Université de Coimbra, Portugal (A. L. Shaula)
- Laboratoire Optimisation de la Conception et Ingénierie de l’Environnement (LOCIE), (E. Gonze)
- Laboratoire de Matériaux et Cristallochimie, Tunis, Tunisie (A. Guesmi)
- Institut National des Sciences appliquées et de Technologie, Tunis, Tunisie, (N. Batis)
- UB Department of the Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Catalysis, University of Bucharest, RoumanieActivités / CV
Doctorat de l'Université du Maine, 2003
HDR IMEP2/Matériaux et Génie des procédés, 2012
Production scientifique (février 2015)
- 46 articles de revues internationales
- 1 livre
- 82 communications orales (55 internationales)
Recent Publications
- Electrical properties of BaCe0.8Zr0.1Y0.1O3-a ceramics and thin films designed by reactive magnetron sputtering; Effect of the electrochemical cell configuration, S. Georges, L. Yu, M. Arab Pour Yazdi, R. Costa, P. Briois, A. Billard, Solid State Ionics 229 (2012) 1-8
- Electrical Characterisation of thin films by an original micro-electrode calibration method, N. Bailly, E. Djurado, S. Georges, Electrochemical and Solid State Letters 15(4) (2012) F16
- Direct ethanol solid oxide fuel cell operating in gradual internal reforming, S. D. Nobrega, M. V. Galesco, K. Girona, D. Z. de Florio, M. C. Steil, S. Georges, F. C. Fonseca, Journal of Power Sources (2012) 156-159
- Characterization of PCFC-Electrolytes Deposited by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering and Comparison with bulk Samples, M. Arab Pour Yazdi, P. Briois, S. Georges, R. Costa, A. Billard, Fuel Cells 13 (4) (2013) 549-555
- SOFC Long Term Operation in Pure Methane by Gradual Internal Reforming Operation on Alternative Fuels, S. Georges, N. Bailly, M. C. Steil, Y. Bultel, A. Hadjar, J.-P. Viricelle, M. Rieu, ECS Transactions 57(1) (2013) 3023-3030
- Structure, sintering and electrical properties of new fast ionic conductor Ag4Co7(AsO4)6, R. Marzouki, A. Guesmi, S. Georges, M. F. Zid, A. Driss, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 586 (2014) 74-79