09/01/2025: Delphine Clauss, How to recycle iridium ? Insights into chemical and electrochemical leaching.09/01/2025: Florent Vandenberghe, Study of the HER in alkaline Gas Diffusion Electrode.
13/02/2025: Quentin Labarde and Thomas Gaumont, Gas Diffusion Electrode setup : Towards best practices in evualuating Pt based catalyst performances for the ORR.
03/03/2025: Pr. Jasna Jankovic (Univ. Connecticut, USA), From Inks to Electrodes - From Lab-Scale to Scale-Up: Correlating Microstructural Parameters to Performance and Degradation in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells and Water Electrolyzers.
06/03/2025: François Guillet, Pt recycling.
06/03/2025: Axelle Baudy, Catalysis in H3PO4 media.
01/02/2024: François Guillet, Material selection for cheap water electrolysis.08/02/2024: Arthur Bukowski, Iron contamination and electrodeposition on nickel cathodes in alkaline electrolysers.
22/02/2024: Aleksandr Samarin, Phosphate-based electrode materials for reversible storage of sodium ions.
07/03/2024: Erwan Tardy, Modeling Oxygen Reduction Reaction kinetics in a Gas Diffusion Electrode.
14/03/2024: Axelle Baudy, Post Mortem Characterization of HT-PEMFC MEA.
21/03/2024: Garance Cossard, Oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline media using Co-spinels and stainless steel based electrodes.
11/04/2024: Théo Faverge, Mistake correction in microkinetic modelling of glucose oxidation on gold.
18/04/2024: Juliette Charbonnel, Comprehensive Safety Assessment of All-Solid-State Batteries: Using Calorimetry, X-Ray Radiograhy and Blast Testing Techniques.
02/05/2024: Thomas Gaumont, Protonic conduction in catalyst layers of PEMFC : its limitations on cell performance, and its measurement by Electorchemical Impedance Spectroscopy.
16/05/2024: Quentin Labarde, PEMFC degradations and mitigation strategies.
23/05/2024: Matthieu Tempelaere, Electrodes 3D à base de nanotubes de carbone verticalement alignés pour piles à combustible à membrane échangeuse de protons.
13/06/2024: Arnaud Viola, Hydrogen trapping into Pd and its influence on HER and HOR.
20/06/2024: François Guillet, Resurrecting PEMFC nanocatalysts Electrochemical approaches for platinum recycling.
21/06/2024: Svitlana Pylypenko (Colorado School of Mines, USA), Characterization of Catalyst Layers in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell and Electrolyzer Devices.
25/07/2024: Adrien Marguet, Réalisation de nanostructures de type Raney sur aciers inoxydables pour l'OER en milieu alcalin.
29/08/2024: Gabriel Leal-Martinez, The Gas Diffusion Electrode Setup as a Promising Testing Device for Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer Catalysts Reaching High Density Currents.
23/09/24: Pr. Pablo Fernandez (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil), Understanding the Impact of p-Block Adatoms and Alkaline Metal Ions on Platinum Performance in Polyols Electrooxidation.
19/12/2024: Aleksandr Samarin, Single crystal-based/ionomer model interfaces.
05/01/2023: Quentin Labarde, State-of-the-art capped catalysts for ORR in acidic media.20/01/2023: Dr. Quentin Meyer (Univ. of South Wales, Australia), Performances and Stability of Fe-N-C Catalysts in Low Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells.
23/02/2023: François Guillet, Development of a recycling process for catalysts and membranes used in PEMFC systems.
02/03/2023: Kyle Olson, Hydrogen insertion into palladium (review).
09/03/2023: Clément Atlan, Imaging the breathing of a single nanocrystal under electrochemical control.
23/03/2023: Yahya Lahrour, Lifecycle Assessment of electric architecture of batteries.
30/03/2023: Delphine Clauss, Iridium nanoarchitecturing for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction.
01/06/2023: Eric Sibert, Synchrotron Radiation Facilities.
15/06/2023: Ricardo Sgarbi, Improved Activity & Durability of Protected Nanoparticles in AEMFC System.
22/06/2023: Aimy Bazylak (University of Toronto), Transport phenomena in fuel cells and electrolyzers: resolving at the pore scale through imaging and modelling.
20/07/2023: Mathieu Tempelaere, Architectured Electrodes for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells.
05/05/2022: Youcef Karar, Électrodéposition de couches minces bismuth-manganèse en milieux Deep Eutectic Solvents pour l’élaboration de la phase magnétique LTP-BiMn.23/06/2022: Galina Tsirlina (invited Professor), Volcano plots for hydrogen evolution reaction (strains, limited reliability).
27/06/2022: Jasna Jankovic (University of Connecticut), Solving Challenges for Clean Energy Adoption – From a Nano-scale World to Macro-scale Applications.
21/07/2022: Galina Tsirlina (invited Professor), Manganese oxides for oxygen and peroxide reactions.
28/08/2022: Marius Jenny, Dépôts et UPD de nickel sur Pt(111).
01/09/2022: Grégory Jerkiewicz (Queen’s University Kingston, Canada), Surface and Materials Science, and Electrochemical Analysis of Nickel Materials.
18/10/2022: Angus Pedersen (Imperial College London), Active site utilisation and in-situ Fe dissolution of O2 reduction FeNC catalysts.
27/10/2022: Keyla Teixeira, Spontaneous Aerobic Ageing of Fe-N-C Materials and Consequences on Oxygen Reduction Reaction Kinetics.
10/11/2022: Arthur Bukowski, NiFe electrodeposits for HER.
01/12/2022: Camile Roiron, Life of PtNi/C catalysts, from synthesis to PEMFC characterization.
08/12/2022: Pr. Fabio Lima (Universidade de São Paolo, Sao Carlos, Brazil), Fundamental and applied aspects for the development of carbon dioxide electrolyzers.
13/12/2022, Dr. Frédéric Jaouen (ICGM, Montpellier), (Electro)catalysis with Metal ions atomically dispersed in nitrogen-doped carbon.
11/02/2021: Tom Bauer, Life Cycle Analysis of Chemical Recycling Processes.25/02/2021: Lenka Svecova, Approches innovantes pour la récupération des métaux contenus dans les batteries lithium-ion : Focus sur la séparation sélective de Co / Ni / Mn.
04/03/2021 : Kavita Kumar, Degradation Mechanisms of Fe-N-C Catalysts for the ORR in acid.
11/03/2021 : Ricardo Sgarbi De Moraes, Metal-N-C catalysts - ORR in alkaline media.
18/03/2021 : Huong Doan, Bifunctional catalysts for HOR in membraneless AFC.
25/03/2021 : Arnaud Viloa, Shape-controlled nanoparticles synthesis - The example of copper.
01/04/202 : Frédéric Maillard, OER Activity and Stability Benchmarks for Supported and Unsupported IrOx Electrocatalysts.
08/04/2021 : Raphaël Riasse, RMEA Testing protocols & EIS study.
29/04/2021 : Guillaume Braesch, High-Performance Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells using Non-PGM electrocatalysts.
27/05/2021 : Youcef Karar, Manganese Nucleation/Growth in chloride-rich Deep Eutectic Solvent.
10/06/2021 : João H. F. Conceição, SepAration and Valorization of materials coming from the end-of-life of printed on paper Electronic devices.
17/06/2021 : Weverson Capute Batalha, New Fe‐based amorphous alloys for use as coatings for the oil and gas industry.
22/07/2021 : Lorianne Ginot, Caracterization and Recyclability of Conductive Inks for Printing Electronics Paper.
07/10/2021 : Ricardo Sgarb, Durability Enhancement of Pd Catalysts in Alkaline Media - an Application on Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction (HOR).
28/10/2021 : Gennadi Finkelshtain (GenCell), Liquid electrolyte alkaline fuel cells
04/11/2021 : Théo Faverge, Understanding the mechanism of glucose electrolysis on noble metals - a DEMS study.
18/11/2021 : Quentin Labarde, Activity and durability study of Pt-based catalyst for ORR in acidic media.
30/11/2021 : Nicolas Schaeffer (Université d'Aveiro, Portugal), Utilisation de nouveaux systèmes d'extraction de métaux (développement + compréhension) pour des applications dans le recyclage.
02/12/2021 : François Guillet, Organic Redox Flow Batteries.
09/12/2021 : Vivien Gatard, Alkaline water electrolysis under alternating magnetic field.
16/12/2021 : Arthur Bukowski, Raney nickel electrodes for alkaline water electrolysis.
22/01/2020: Guillaume Braesch, High DBFC performances obtained with Ni based anode and Bipolar ion exchange interface.31/01/2020: Éric Sibert, Surface X-ray diffraction on Ir(111).
06/02/2020: Raphaël Chattot, Lost in Chaos: On the Active Site Density and Turn Over Frequency in 'Real Life' ORR Fuel Cell Electrocatalysts.
10/01/2019: Florence Betmont, environmental record of the new recycling process of NiMH batteries.31/01/2019: Kavita Kumar, Towards Improved Catalytic Activity and Stability of Non-Precious Metal Catalysts for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells.
07/02/2019: Clémence Lafforgue, Shedding light on the degradation mechanism of PGM based carbon-supported electrocatalysts in alkaline media: an in situ Fourier-transform infrared study.
18/02/2019: Tristan Asset (U. California, Irvine), Transition Metal – Nitrogen – Carbon Catalysts for CO2 Reduction & Valorization.
07/03/2019: Marion Scohy, Oxygen Evolution Reaction Investigation on Model Catalysts in Acidic Medium: comparison between Ir(111), Ir(210) and nanostructured Ir(210).
16/05/2019: Eddy Coron, Lithium-ion batteries diagnosis toward second-use prognosis.
06/06/2019: Vivien Gatard, Non-Pt-group-metal magnetically-responsive electrocatalysts for alternating magnetic field-enhanced alkaline water electrolysis.
15/07/2019: Sedik Illoul, Recyclage des nanoparticules de Pt et de Pt/Co pour l’application PEMFC.
18/07/2019: Antoine Bonnefont, Hydrogen electrode reactions on mono and bimetallic Ni electrodes in alkaline media.
22/07/2019: Patricia Folio, Récupération de métaux issus de bain de décapage industriel.
05/09/2019: Marie Minola, Electrochemical characterizations of cover and uncover steel in seawater environment (Firsts characterizations and interpretations: anodic and cathodic polarization during 24h following by EIS ).
26/09/2019: Marc Hébrant (LCPME, Université de Lorraine/CNRS), Molecularly imprinted nanoparticles to improve analytical processes.
27/09/2019: Grégoire Herzog (LCPME, Université de Lorraine/CNRS), Electrochemically modulated liquid-liquid extraction for sample enrichment.
09/10/2019: Quentin Meyer (University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia), Advanced diagnostics of PEMFCs.
21/11/2019: Kiranpal Singh, Metal-Phosphide based electrocatalyst for ORR in Acid Media.
03/12/2019: Dr. Viktoriia A. Saveleva (Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Suisse), Fe-based non-noble metal oxygen reduction catalysts: from synthesis to fuel cell application.
17/12/2019: Pr. Edson Ticianelli (Universidade de São Paolo, Sao Carlos, Brazil), Fuel cells and electrolyzers.
17/12/2019: Pr. Fabio Lima (Universidade de São Paolo, Sao Carlos, Brazil), Electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction: Selectivity and stability for the production of formic acid, syngas, and hydrocarbons.
02/03/2018: Clotilde Gaillard (Institut de Physique nucléaire de Lyon), Les liquides ioniques pour l’extraction liquide liquide de lanthanides et actinides.08/03/2018: Clémence Lafforgue, borohydride electrooxidation.
15/03/2018: Kavita Kumar, Preparation and electrochemical properties of cobaltite nanospinels on graphene as earth-abundant oxygen bifunctional catalyst.
06/04/2018: Guillaume Braesch, Rotating Ring Disk Electrode as a sensor of intermediate species for the Borohydride Oxidation Reaction (BOR).
19/04/2018: Fabien Claudel, Deconvoluting morphology, oxide composition and support material interactions: towards a better understanding of the activity and stability of iridium based nanocatalysts in OER conditions.
26/04/2018: Marion Scohy, Oxygen Evolution Reaction Investigation on Ir(111) Using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy in Acidic Medium.
03/05/2018: Clémence Lafforgue, Instability and degradation mechanism of platinum-group metal based-carbon supported electrocatalysts in alkaline media.
17/05/2018: Maha Rhandi, PEM at high current density for Electrochemical Hydrogen Compressor.
07/06/2018: François Guillet, Nouveau système d’électrosynthèse microbienne pour une électrolyse de l’eau à bas potentiel : l’électrolyse découplée.
11/10/2018: Maria Forsyth (Institute for Frontier Materials, University of Deakin), Ionic liquid electrolytes and their composites for next generation batteries.
17/10/2018: Daniela Ion-Ebrasu (National R&D Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies), Hydrogen Based Energy Systems Development at ICSI Ramnicu Valcea.
18/10/2018: Guillaume Braesch, Comparison of noble and promising non-noble materials as electrocatalyst for the Borohydride Oxidation Reaction.
25/10/2018: Éric Sibert, Tuning borohydride electro-oxidation using Pd layers on Pt(111).
08/11/2018: Sofyane Abbou, Local transient phenomena in PEM fuel cell with dead-ended anode.
22/11/2018: Vivien Gatard, Water electrolysis enhanced by alternative magnetic field.
06/12/2018 : Marine Tregaro, Anode Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Purification/Compression
14/12/2018 : Nathalie Job (Université de Liège), Composite electrodes from nanostructured carbons.
20/12/2018 : Isabelle Billard, Is pink really pink ? Multivariate analysis for the study of spectroscopic data.
21/12/2018 : Fabio Lima (Instituto de Quimica de São Carlos – Universidad de São Paulo IQSC/USP), Earth-abundant metal electrocatalysts for fuel-cells and electrolyzers.
17/02/2017: Jonathan Schillings, Two-phase flow characterization by means of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy.17/02/2017: Farid Aubras, Low pressure PEMWE : Two-phase flow regimes vs electrochemical performances.
15/03/2017: Tom Vander Hoogerstraete (KU Leuven), Electrodeposition from Liquid Metal Salts.
23/03/2017: Juan Anaya, Bio-electrochemical Systems for metal recovery from aqueous solutions.
23/05/2017: Vincent Caldeira, Internal Morphological Evolution of Negative Electrodes Materials in Secondary Alkaline Zn/Ni Batteries.
15/06/2017: Éric Sibert, Suivi d’un dépôt électrochimique simultanément par diffraction X de surface in situ et par chrono-ampérométrie.
06/07/2017: Elena Baranova (Université d’Ottawa), Connecting metal-support interaction and electrochemical promotion phenomena for metal and metal oxide nano-catalysts.
18/07/2017: Guillaume Braesch, Electrocatalyseurs pour anode de DBFC.
21/07/2017: Helmut Schäfer (University of Osnabrueck), The new look of Chemistry: Fascinating Engineering Materials.
07/09/2017: Naïma Mansouri, Élaboration et caractérisation de nanofils magnétiques FeNi, FeCo et FeCoV.
25/09/2017: Pr. Aliaksandr Bandarenka (Technische Universität München): Where are the most active electrocatalytic centers?
25/09/2017: Cédric Gommes (Université de Liège), Small-Angle Scattering in Porous Materials: an overview highlighting data-analysis challenges.
06/12/2017: Fouad Maroun (Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée, Paris - CNRS), Elementary processes at model electrodes at the electrochemical interface: scanning tunnelling microscopy, X ray diffraction and magnetic measurements.
15/12/2017: Peter Hesemann (Institut Charles Gerhardt, Montpellier), Ionosilicas: ‘Designer Materials’ obtained from Silylated Ionic Liquid Precursors.
11/01/2016: Raphaël Chattot, Positive use of the Kirkendall effect to improve performance and durability of platium based electrocatalysts for PEmFC application.15/01/2016: Céline Bonnaud, Recycling of Rare Earth Elements from permanent magnets.
28/01/2016: Rémi Blanchard, Homogeneous catalysis and nanostructured protection for Li air batteries cathode.
08/02/2016: Marian Chatenet, Heterogeneities of aging upon PEMFC operation –linking the local MEA materials degradation to the cell performance.
07/03/2016: Fanny Hilario, Synthesis, Characterization and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) analysis of TiO2 nanotubes for biomedical applications.
23/03/2016: Pascale Husson (Université de Clermont-Ferrand), Des liquides ioniques aux solvants eutectiques : Physico-chimie de solvants prometteurs.
25/03/2016: Takashi Teranishi (Assistant Professor at Okayama University), Development of lithium ion batteries with ultrahigh rate capability : Effect on dielectric polarization of ferroelectric nanoparticles incorporated to optimize Li ion mobility.
29/03/2016: Laetitia Dubau, Defects do Catalysis: CO Monolayer Oxidation and Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Hollow PtNi/C Nanoparticles.
09/05/2016: Gwenn Cognard, Pt Nanoparticles Supported on Porous Antimony-Doped Tin Dioxide Aerogel As Cathode Material for PEMFC: Electrocatalytic Activity and Degradation Mechanism.
24/05/2016: Estelle Lebègue, Electrochemical Detection of Single Phospholipid Vesicle Collisions at a Pt Ultramicroelectrode.
06/06/2016: Eric Sibert, Electrochemical oxidation reaction of the borohydride anion in palladium layers on Pt(111).
27/06/2016: Lokesh Krishnakumar, UHV preparation of Au (111) surfaces for Pd electrochemical deposition.
11/07/2016: Vincent Caldeira, Using Calcium Zincate as anode material for alkaline Ni-Zn batteries : physico-chemical and electrochemical degradation mechanism.
25/09/2015: Mohd Hilmi Noh et Farid Aubras, Transfert thermique dans les dispositifs électrochimiques (batteries et électrolyseurs).27/11/2015: Dionysos Kontoulis (Université KU Leuven, Belgique), Environmental and economic assessment of rare earth elements recycling.