M. MAILLARD Frederic

Research Director at the French National Center for Scientific Research - Head of the EIP group.
LEPMI UMR 5279 CNRS-Grenoble INP-UdS-UJF 1130, rue de la piscine BP 75 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères
+33 (0)476 826 592
Contact e-mail

Teaching activities
Teaching electrochemistry and analytical chemistry at Phelma School of Engineering (ca 36 hours/year),
Responsible for the "Water electrolysis" continuous training at Grenoble INP and teaching since September 2018 (ca 40 hours/year).

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6470-8900
Web of Science ResearcherID: C-7954-2012
Scopus Author ID: 7003491509
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Research interests
Electrochemistry; Electrocatalysis at solid-liquid interfaces;
Materials science; Energy fuels
Oxygen reduction and oxygen evolution in acidic and alkaline electrolyte;
Degradation mechanisms of PEMFC/AEMFC and PEMWE/AEMWE electrocatalysts.

Education & career
Since 2018, Director of Research at CNRS
2005 - 2018, Researcher at CNRS;
2011, Habilitation à diriger des recherches. Grenoble Institute of Technology;
2002 - 2004, Post-doctorate fellow at the Technische Universität München. Group of Prof. U. Stimming; Germany
2002, Ph.D. in Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, University of Poitiers, France

Professional memberships
The International Society of Electrochemistry & The Electrochemical Society since 2007;
The French Society of Chemistry since 2010
Member of the Editorial Board of Electrocatalysis, a Springer journal

Activités / CV

9 book chapters;
140 publications in international peer-reviewed journals (9100+ citations, h-index = 56; Scopus 20/06/2024);
16 extended abstracts;
250+ communications in international meetings (69 invited).
Maillard - Liste de publications

2016. Young Researcher in Catalysis Prize of the French Society of Chemistry
2015. Young Researcher in Electrochemistry Prize of the French Section of the International Society of Electrochemistry
2011. ISE Prize on Applied Electrochemistry from the International Society of Electrochemistry

Selected papers
1. K. Kumar, L. Dubau, F. Jaouen, F. Maillard, “Review on the degradation mechanisms of Metal-N-C catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction in acid electrolyte: Current understanding and mitigation approaches”, Chem. Rev. 123 (2023) 9265–9326. DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.2c00685 <hal-04160691>
2. C. Atlan, C. Chatelier, I. Martens, M. Dupraz, A. Viola, N. Li, L. Gao, S.J. Leake, T.U. Schülli, J. Eymery, F. Maillard, M.-I. Richard, “Imaging the evolution of strain in platinum nanoparticles under electrochemical control”, Nature Mater. 22 (2023) 754-763. DOI: 10.1038/s41563-023-01528-x <hal-04090004>
3. J. Barrio, A. Pedersen, S. Ch. Sarma, A. Bagger, M. Gong, S. Favero, C-X. Zhao, R. Garcia-Serres, A. Y. Li, Q. Zhang, F. Jaouen, F. Maillard, A. Kucernak, I. E. L. Stephens, M-M. Titirici, “Templated synthesis of a porous penta-coordinated FeNx O2 reduction electrocatalyst in acidic media with high Fe utilisation”, Adv. Mater.
35 (2023) 2211022. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202211022 <hal-03984630>
4. R. Sgarbi, K. Kumar, V. Saveeleva, L. Dubau, R. Chattot, V. Martin, M. Mermoux, P. Bordet, P. Glatzel, E. A. Ticianelli, F. Jaouen, F. Maillard, “Electrochemical transformation of Fe-N-C catalysts into iron oxides in alkaline medium and its impact on the oxygen reduction reaction activity”, Appl. Catal. B. 311 (2022) 121366. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2022.121366 <hal-03641899>

Academic collaborations
Prof. Fabio Lima & Prof. Dr. Edson Ticianelli, Universidade Sao Paulo (Sao Carlos, Brazil);
Prof. Ifan Stephens and Prof. Magda Titirici, Imperial College London (London, United Kingdom);
Prof. Aliaksandr Bandarenka, Technische Universität München (München, Germany);
Prof. Plamen Atanassov & Dr. Iryna Zenyuk, Univ. California Irvine (Irvine, USA);
Dr. J. Herranz & Prof. Thomas J. Schmidt, Paul Scherrer Institute (Villigen, Switzerland);
Prof. Peter Strasser, Technische Universität Berlin (Berlin, Germany);
Dr. Frédéric Jaouen, Dr. Sara Cavaliere, Dr. Deborah Jones, Univ. Montpelllier (Montpellier, France)
Dr. Gaël Maranzana, Univ. Lorraine (Nancy, France)
Dr. Jaysen Nelayah, Univ. Paris Diderot (Paris, France);
Dr. Pierre Bordet, Louis Néel Institute (Grenoble, France);
Dr. Jakub Drnec, ESRF (Grenoble, France);
Dr. Bruno Gilles, Science, Engineering, Materials and Process (Grenoble, France);
Dr. T. Asset & Prof. E. R. Savinova (U. Strasbourg, France)

Industrial collaborations
Symbio (Grenoble, France)
Michelin (Clermont Ferrand, France)